


valentines day gifts online pakistan

2020 has taught us how important it is to build our relations and cherish them as that’s the only thing that keeps us afloat in the testing times. So we vow in 2024 to celebrate relations and friendships and keep them close. To help you achieve that, we’ve jotted down a list of ideas for the valentine’s day gifts.

red roses box for valentines gift pakistan

Begin with Roses

Roses are the only cliché we standby until the end of times. No matter how much you want to send her a present that’s unique, a roses bouquet must still be a part of the deal. If love has any language, roses are its phonology. If you’re still looking into something not extremely regular, the new rose boxes are a perfect fit. Wrapped in beautiful boxes; a bunch of roses, red or pink, make a statement of their own.

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Mason jar craft Ideas for the valentine’s day

Simple and personalised mason jars are a thoughtful way to remember your partner and show her some love. Is there a candy she likes the most or dessert she’s after? Add that to a beautifully painted mason jar and you have a lovely valentine gift for her, ready. If DIY is not your forte, then this February, you can send in a Kisses jar from Revaayat, with a romantic note tagged to the jar. We bet it’ll fill her heart with joy.

bespoke cupcakes for her

Personalised Love Cupcakes

Valentine’s day is all about saying it out loud, how you feel for her. So say it in every way possible. Don’t just send in a card, though we’re not saying it’s not imperative, there’s no harm in repeating expression. Get personalised cupcakes made just for her using your pictures on the icing or love quotes. Something like these bespoke cupcakes can bring a smile on her face.


Romantic Valentine’s Day Dinner

You can’t skip that –  can you? The day must end on a beautifully decorated dinner table with the two of you and some conversations that are heart-to-heart. Remember to book it in advance, as 14th February tends to be a very busy day for most of the restaurants and cafes. We’ll give you a bonus tip – take her to the dinner with live singing and thank us later.

celebrations of valentines-gifts

Celebrations – Small is big!

While you’re exploring all the valentine’s day gift ideas for her; place a few of these in order to fill her day up with small things. Every little thing helps you see! You can begin your day by sending her some heart balloons, right in the morning, so that she looks forward to the day. After a while fill her with something sweet – a chocolate fudge or a red velvet cake would do! A dinner date to follow of course!

Valentines gift basket online Pakistan

Valentine’s Day gift basket for her

Gift baskets make adorable presents. For the valentines gift basket, the simplest of the ideas is to get in a stuffed teddy bear, some chocolates, a scented candle and a cookie jar of her choice. Adding perfume or a watch would be nicer and fancier. There’s literally no limit to how much you add to the basket or how less. Making the basket in a red theme would further serve the purpose and earn you that smile you’re looking for. If you’re in a hurry, buy a beautiful valentine’s day gift basket instead.

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Cards – personalised Message

It’s technically not an idea, but the very basics of the special day. What we are proposing though is to make it extra special by adding a heart-felt note to it. Even if you’re delivering valentines greeting card because of the long distance, ask your provider to add in a hand written message to the card so that she feels what she reads.

If you’re one of the last-minute-gift-finders, and want to send valentines day gifts to Pakistan, then shop here – This might save you!

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