

Refund Policy

The refund policy is valid for 72 hours from the time you receive the order from us. If the product received is genuinely faulty our team will replace the item or you will be refunded a certain amount of the purchase. To initiate the refund request, please send pictures of the items to [email protected]

If your request for a return/exchange is approved, we will email you with further details.

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel an order before 7 days of the delivery except the custom made orders. The custom made orders cannot be cancelled. The custom made orders are the ones that are not available on the website and we have customised a package for you.

Revaayat reserve all the rights to cancel any order and issue a refund.


If you are not satisfied with your order but would like an exchange or return instead of a refund, please email your request to [email protected]

Your non-perishable item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. We will arrange a pick up of returned items from you.

Please note that perishable goods such as cakes, fruit, flowers, mithai and juices are exempt from being returned.

Copyright © 2025 Revaayat Limited, Registered in England and Wales No. 11798191

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